Brand naming

Ngày đăng: 13/06/2019

The world is fed up with so many similar products competing in the same market. And then, what make a product chosen is not only its physical characteristics, but, most importantly, also the values brought by its brand. Apart from the color, the image or the mascot, one of the first things that come to customer’s mind when thinking of a brand is the name. So in addition to business strategy and marketing strategy, enterprises in modern time are very interested in how to give a brand name to their products and services.


Good and impressive brand names play an important role in capturing consumers’ minds and driving buying behavior. Therefore, business owners need to determine for themselves a naming strategy, a methodical naming process and reasonable investment for this job.

Brand name is a short reaffirmation of brand positioning. Beyond the basic function of distinguishing you from your competitors, a brand name when properly represent the positioning strategy will create an emotional connection which is suitable with the target customers.


A brand name is a name used to name a line of products, services, or organizations in order to distinguish them from similar things. Brand names are often easily misunderstood as company’s names, and in essence, both are used for the purpose of calling and distinguishing, like the way each person is given a unique name. However, brand name has a narrower scope, it is only used to call a product or service of the company, under the company name – the name in the business registration file and legal documents. In many cases, brand name often appears more than the company name, which is why many people only know Omo washing powder, Comfort fabric softener or P/S toothpaste without being familiar with the company which owns those brands – Unilever.


Branding is a complex, creative and iterative process that requires experience in linguistics, marketing, research, and even trademark law. Today, in the context where hundreds of thousands of brands enter the market every day, even for professionals, finding a name for a new company or a new product that can be passed in copyright registration and protection is also a huge challenge.

Brand names assessment should be based on target positioning, performance criteria and industry availability. Successful brand names are loved naturally, but their meaning and values which are built over time are hidden beneath. It is also necessary to intelligently re-examine the premises to decide for a new brand name.


For any brand name, the most basic requirement to create a name is to convey the right message and value of the brand. Ideally, the name will carry both the role model and the brand personality. Because this is one of the first touches and leaves the most impression to customers, so it is very good if it helps readers somewhat understand who the brand is. Technically, the brand name needs to be easy to read, easy to remember and especially easy to pronounce. In addition, enterprises should also be careful when choosing a brand name to avoid negative misunderstandings in external markets. Coca Cola, for example, when it first entered the Chinese market was in big trouble when its brand name in Chinese was transcribed into Kekoukela – meaning “Bite the tadpole.” To change, the beverage company had to study more than 40,000 different characters to choose a more appropriate name: “kokou kole” – “happiness on the lips”. Finally, the most important rule is that a brand name must be protected, avoiding having to protect the image instead of the name.